Rhea Dempsey
Birthing Wisdom

The birth you want is possible

You long for a natural birth. You know it is a wonderful way to begin bonding with your baby, that it will give you both a healthy start to your new lives together and can be a beautiful rite of passage into motherhood. But you may be afraid too. You might wonder if your body is capable of a natural birth or if you can prepare yourself to work with the pain.

The answer is yes. With the right kind of support, the right preparation and the right environment, a natural birth is possible.

I want women to go into their labours with trust in themselves and the process of birth – and confidence in their ability to do it.

Confidence comes from understanding the normal physical processes of birth. It comes from understanding what recent research tells us about the best kind of support for a natural birth. And it comes from understanding the way your own relationship with your body can affect the course of your labour.

Just as importantly, confidence comes from understanding the way our birth practices and hospital system can affect your ability to birth naturally.

I educate women and their partners about our birth statistics, hospital practices and the best ways prepare for the birth they want. It can be confronting to learn that our hospital system is not set up to help you achieve a natural birth. But understanding this will allow you to make savvy choices about your place of birth, support people and birth preparation – choices that will give you a far better chance of natural birth.

You long for a natural birth. It is possible. Join me to learn how you can go into your labour and birth with trust and confidence.